22-1099 Fred Rodgers Site Improvements


Bidding Closed

Prebid Date3/21/23 11:00am

Bid Date3/29/23 10:00am

Company & Contacts

Cordogan Clark & Associates
Sue Dralle  


310 Seminary Ave, Aurora, IL 60505

A. East Aurora School District (hereinafter referred to as the Owner) will receive bids for the
following project until 10:00 A.M. CST, local time, on March 29, 2023 at 310 Seminary Ave,
Aurora, IL 60505
B. Bids will be publicly opened and read at the time and location noted above.
C. Contract Documents may be obtained by Bidding Contractors from the Office of the
Construction Manager – Cordogan Clark & Associates, Inc., 630-896-4678 or
sdralle@cordoganclark.com, on or after, March 15, 2023. Bidders may also contact Vesco
Reprographics, 630-896-2115, to obtain the bid documents.
D. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in the form of Bid Bond in the amount of
10% of the Base Bid (plus additive alternates) made payable to the Owner.
E. A non-mandatory pre-bid conference will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams on
March 21, 2023 at 11:00 am CST. See Section 002513 “Prebid Meetings” for to access the
F. Contractors are strongly encouraged to visit the site. For site access after the pre-bid meeting,
contact Chris Allen callen@cordoganclark.com
G. The Contractor shall pay, if applicable, not less than the prevailing rate of wages as
established, to all laborers, workmen and mechanics in the performance of Work under this
Contract in accordance with β€œAn Act regulating wages of laborers, mechanics and other
employed under contracts of Public Works.” 820 ILCS 130/1 et seq.
H. The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informality in bidding,
or accept the bid that, in his opinion, will serve his best interests.
I. This Notice is written in the name of the Owner by Cordogan, Clark & Associates.

A. Architect will conduct a Prebid meeting as indicated below:
1. Meeting Date: March 21, 2023.
2. Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m., local time.
3. The meeting will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Teams can be
downloaded here: https://teams.microsoft.com/downloads
B. Attendance: Bidders please send the architect an email address to be used for the video
conference pre-bid meeting. Send email addresses to: sdralle@cordoganclark.com
Once the architect receives the email, an invitation to a Microsoft Teams meeting will be sent to
that email address. This will allow the bidder to electronically access the meeting via phone or
computer. Microsoft Teams Meeting: The call in number is +1 708-298-4485, Conference
ID 557 379 828#
1. Prime Bidders: Attendance at Prebid meeting is recommended.
2. Subcontractors: Attendance at Prebid meeting is recommended.
C. Bidder Questions: Submit written questions to be addressed at Prebid meeting minimum of two
business days prior to meeting.
D. Agenda: Prebid meeting agenda will include review of topics that may affect proper preparation
and submittal of bids, including the following:
1. Procurement and Contracting Requirements:
a. Advertisement for Bids.
b. Bidder Qualifications.
c. Bonding.
d. Insurance.
e. Bid Security.
f. Bid Form and Attachments.
g. Bid Submittal Requirements.
h. Bid Submittal Checklist.
i. Critical Path Method schedule
j. Notice of Award.